10 Different Remarkable Pigeon Species You Likely Didn’t Know There Were

Amazing unusual birds abound in nature, each with its own traits and palette of colors.

Most people are unaware that the globe is home to a remarkable number of unique pigeon species.

Most of us are familiar with ordinary city pigeons (rock pigeons), which are the grey and navy birds that may be found in large numbers around the city.

Amazing, exotic bird species abound, each with its own set of colors and abilities. While many people are unaware, the world is home to an incredible diversity of unique pigeon species. That's right, there's a lot more to the planet than those city pigeons you're trying to keep off your doorstep.

Some experts think that ordinary city pigeons (also known as rock pigeons) were the first birds to be tamed by humans. From 4500 BC and even before rock pigeons appeared in many ancient Mesopotamian paintings, mosaics, and monuments. But that's enough about pigeons for now. Take a seat and view some of the world's best, most colorful, most unusual pigeons:

The Nicobar Pigeon is the sole extant member of the genus Caloenus and is one of the most attractive of the numerous kinds of pigeons or doves. The Nicobar Islands, southwest peninsular Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Solomans, and Palau are all home to this species. Their numbers in the wild are dwindling as they are regularly caught for the pet trade and killed for food.

Because its numbers in the wild are declining this species is categorized as Near Threatened by the IUCN Red List and included in Appendix 1 of CITES. These birds are caught for food, as pets, and for their gizzard stones which are used in jewelry. Their range is also impacted by habitat degradation as the islands they call home are cleared for plantations and invaded by rats, cats, and other foreign predators.

Brown Frill back Pigeon: A domestic fancy pigeon, the Frill back pigeon is a breed of brown pigeon. It is an old breed that has been produced through years of careful breeding. It's said to have started somewhere in Asia Minor. This breed, as well as other domesticated pigeon types are all descended from the wild or feral rock pigeon.

A Frillback pigeon's wing shield is completely covered by a curl. There should be no regions that are left open. The wing's final row of curls runs the length of the wing. At the end, the frills curl into a ringlet curl. The muff also has frills on the bottom. A prominent wrinkle can be found on the tail and flying feathers. The color categories for the Frillback pigeon can be found below.

Goura Victoria: The Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura Victoria) is the biggest extant pigeon and the closest living cousin of the extinct dodo bird. It was called after Queen Victoria because of its royal poise and dazzling blue crown with delicate lace-like markings. The Victoria crowned pigeon which originated in New Guinea and was later transported to adjacent islands has been raised captive for hundreds of years. They're widespread in zoos and aviaries across the United States and the United Kingdom, however, they're uncommon in the pet bird trade.

A magnificent bird, Powdery blue feathers, crimson eyes, a black mask, and maroon breasts distinguish Victoria capped pigeons. On their wings and in a band on their tail feathers they have a lighter shade of blue. Males and females of this bird are monomorphic which means they appear similar. A man may be somewhat bigger than a female but the difference is insignificant. A surgical sexing operation or a genetic test would be required to determine the sex of your bird.

Brunner Pouter Pigeon: The Brunner Pouter is a beautiful and graceful bird. During courtship, it has a lively and energetic disposition which is characterized by a lot of strutting, bowing, and hopping. Both the cock and the hen engage in this courtship ritual. An erect, upright posture that displays a long, thin look is ideal. The back and tail should create a straight l, one that descends at approximately a 60-degree angle. From the back of the neck the expanded crop should stick out. A Brunner Pouter should be a fraction of the size of a Pigmy Pouter. It should not exceed 13 inches in length when measured from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail.

Scandaroon Pigeon: The Scandaroon pigeon is a fancy pigeon breed that originated in Germany. It was developed over many years of selective breeding and is also known as a Nuremberg Bagdad. This breed, as well as other domesticated pigeon breeds, are all descended from the rock-pigeon. It is said to be one of the earliest pigeon breeds, dating back to the time of Alexander the Great. The Scandaroon pigeon is primarily raised for its appearance but it is also a popular meat breed. More information about the breed can be found below.

The Old Polish Wattle Pigeon – also known as the Altpolnische Warzentaube or the Ancien Pigeon caronculé Polonais — Bulldog has already been registered as an Old Polish Wattle Pigeon. It has a somewhat different head structure and a slightly thicker beak than the Podkarpackie. The head of this exhibition bulldog resembles the head of Ostrowiec Wattlebirds, yet there is nothing like it.

The issue is that it is a Witokrzyskie bulldog which is related to and not dissimilar to Podkarpackie pigeons. Other bulldogs, larger, more robust, and with larger galls, are produced in central Poland, particularly in the region of ód and Masovia. The Old Polish papilloma is more like the German Indian in structure than the German Indian (bulldog type exhibition). A twin breed from Romania, comparable to our central Polish bulldogs.

Swedish Owl: Swedish Owl decorative pigeons, also known as Cravaté Suédois, Schwedisches Mövchen, and Cravattato Svedese, are types that originated in Sweden's southern areas and have been known to exist since the late 1800s. Varieties categorized as this type of Owl are extremely popular and common in their native countries, but have not been widely bred in Europe - Germany is one of the nations that has invested heavily in this variety's development. It was said that this species in addition to having outstanding flying abilities also had a lovely, elegant look. In 1960, this cultivar was made a permanent standard.

Spinifex Pigeon: Spinifex Pigeons are permanent inhabitants of northern and central Australia's dry spinifex grasslands. They have excellent camouflage coloration for living and eating on the ground and they flee intruders swiftly and unpredictably.

The Lahore Pigeon is mostly an ornamental breed that originated in ancient Persia. It was grown for meat, but nowadays it is mostly raised for its stunning plumage and vibrant patterns. The Lahore pigeon's neck is richly feathered, leading to a large, broad chest. Their cheeks should be fat, and their beaks should be "wide and robust, with a blunt tip." The bird's legs and feet are feathered to give the appearance of thick stockings. The breed is currently available in a variety of colors, including blue, brown, black, blue-bar, checkered, and red. The Lahore pigeon stands around 10.5 inches tall and 11.5 inches long. From shoulder to shoulder, it measures around 5.5 inches. Wikipedia provided the image and information.

The Lahore pigeon is often a timid and friendly bird. It is quite well-behaved and has a gentle demeanor. These birds have a kind disposition and may be readily and rapidly trained. They have a large breast and body size. They're also occasionally used to make squabs for the table. The breed is great for both showing and raising as a pet. Review the entire breed profile of the Lahore pigeon in the chart below.

Jacobin Pigeons are called after the Jacobin order of monks, who have been around since 1100 and are noted for their unique hooded robes. The Jacobins were Dominican friars named after the adjacent church of St Jacques in Paris, according to the Oxford Dictionary. (Jacobean refers to James I's rule.) The Jacobin pigeon was derived from a mutation that was recognized as early as the 1500s, according to breeders. To get to where it is now, it went through four main stages of growth.

The Jacobin is a medium-sized pigeon that is slim and tall but not as strong as a racing pigeon. A unique muff or cowl of feathers that create a rosette on both sides of the pigeon's head distinguishes it. A mane at the rear of the head, a hood over the top, and a "cravat" with two lines of feathers going down the front of the chest make up this ensemble. The hood spans 5-6 inches across the line of the eye from the mane to the cravat. It's a couple of inches taller than the average person's head. A contemporary tendency is to breed Jacobins with longer necks, which allows the hood to be worn off the shoulders. This is believed to make the hood more visible. Mr. Darcy Cook the breeder we spoke with for this episode says there is an issue in that the birds with the highest feather quality also looked to be the most heavily shouldered. Around the feet, there is no feathering. The birds are slim and elegant, with the exception of the hood. In Australia, the Jacobin is available in black, white, red, and yellow.

Some breeders characterize the Jacobin as a brawny bird while others prefer to call them 'individualists,' and urge that each couple be housed in its own breeding box. Because cocks may and will take over a cage floor as their domain when coupled for breeding, they may prohibit other birds from eating. House pets are not considered Jacobins. Because fostering is necessary, they are a breed for fancy pigeon enthusiasts rather than beginners. For three pairs, Mr. Cook permits 1.2m x 1.8m x 1.8m (4ft x 6ft x 6ft). Many breeders advocate using sand on the floor instead of sawdust, which can fly about, and cleaning the loft completely every two weeks. Fresh food is required on a daily basis.

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