20 Extra Large House Cats Everyone Fall In Love With

Cat lovers love seeing images of what cats do best. Cats are an amazing group of animals who become nosey, cute and dramatic minute by minute. That is an ordinary thing which all of us are aware of. Today, we present you a collection of super large cats in this article. Not just the ordinary ones that you see on the road or at homes.

A big fluffy coat would make them chubby and cuddly. However, being overweight is a serious health issue. You can see big felines of some owners on a subreddit called the ‘Illegally Big Cats’.

Scroll down to have a look at the big cats.

#1 Too Big To Sit On A Chair.

big indoor house cats

Image source: im_scared_of_reddit

#2 Just Chilling While The Terrible Dog Is Downstairs.

big indoor house cats

Image source: tabzzys

#3 Large Cuddly Cat!

big indoor house cats

Image source: unknown

#4 Jeffrey, My 18lbs Boy!

big indoor house cats

Image source: IrishZ86

#5 Massive Cat!

big indoor house cats

Image source: u/sinBean_nice

#6 A Nap After Meals.

big indoor house cats

Image source: ominous_dagger

#7 Omg. Unbelievable!

big indoor house cats

Image source: alexandrialwilson

#8 This Is Jethro, Not Fully Grown Though. Other One Is His Partner In Crime, Leo, A Schnauzer-Terrier Mix.

big indoor house cats

Image source: CosiFunTootie

#9 A Maine Coone With A Black Shorthair Kitty.

big indoor house cats

Image source: LiMarie85 

#10 This Is Sharky, A Potato.

big indoor house cats

Image source: unknown

#11 The Big Boys.

big indoor house cats

Image source: _username_goes_here

#12 Buba, The Maine Coone With My Daddy.

big indoor house cats

Image source: CoolestBurrito

#13 Watch Its Look!

big indoor house cats

Image source: I-ate-your-pony

#14 An Office Cat!

big indoor house cats

Image source: sunshineandhomicide 

#15 Our Large Cuddly Cat Aragon With My Dad.

big indoor house cats

Image source: Swooshtastic 

#16 How Adorable And Cuddly She Is!

big indoor house cats

Image source: Soulkept 

#17 What A Pose!

big indoor house cats

Image source: brainjam60 

#18 Same Size! Same Height! Playmates.

big indoor house cats

Image source: melpomene_smiled

#19 This Cat In NYC Weighs 28lbs.

big indoor house cats

Image source: toneporter 

#20 Omg!

big indoor house cats

Image source: thatsgregbuddy

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