The Artist Creates 100% Realistic Sand Art Sculptures Of Animals

Sometimes we meet some people who have a lot of art tricks in their minds. The art tricks that we’ve never expected to exist. They see things beyond what meets the eye. One such artist is Andoni Bastarrika who creates incredible sand sculptures on beaches. He converts the things that we feel impossible into something possible. 

Bastarrika’s work isn't limited to animals. Yet, he creates animal sculptures to symbolize freedom and power. Bastarrika’s beginning of this career runs 10 years behind when he made a sand mermaid for his daughter.

With time he has been an expert in the field and now his completed masterpieces are published on social platforms such as Instagram. One hardly realizes that his sculptures aren’t real at all. His artwork is so detailed and they make us feel that we need to think of the logic that goes behind them.

“The main reason for me to sculpt animals, one among many, is because they are free spirits though we have locked them up. For me, the animals are beautiful, unique as well as carriers of great wisdom,” said Bastarrika once in a Facebook post.

Make sure to scroll down to enjoy a wonderful collection of unique sand art sculptures by Bastarrika. And also, don’t forget to follow him on Instagram to see his newest work. Leave your ideas below and please do share the article if you love it. Happy trails until we meet again!

Further info: Instagram | Facebook
































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