The One And Only Albino Cuddly Orangutan Gets Her Own Island To Live

The Bornean Orangutan, Alba, is the world's most unique ape with white fur and attractive blue eyes.

She is the one and only albino orangutan that was released to the wild from a cage in 2017.

living nature orangutan

This uniqueness of Alba brings both beauty and danger towards her. She has become a clear target for poachers and wildlife traffickers.

Other than that, same like other albinos, Alba has skin diseases, hearing and vision problems too.

living nature orangutan

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation has taken a lot of steps to ensure her safety by now. They spent time fundraising to buy Alba her own island.

However, this story of fundraising went viral after raising $80,000. The foundation bought Alba's very own island and made her live with another 3 of her friends there.

living nature orangutan

The remote island is a 25-acre area that is surrounded by the dense canal system. Anyhow, the foundation is on their routine of providing security and continuous observation.

living nature orangutan

As per Nico Hermanu, the island will be watched 24/7 by the security staff. The foundation also has got the cooperation of the people and the government.

living nature orangutan

Since Alba was taken out of his natural habitat at a very small age, she missed learning the essential things needed to live.

Therefore, she is given continuous forest training and socialization sessions. However, finally, the rarest and most unique ape in the world will be able to live a successful and a safe life as a result of all these.

What's your idea on protecting Alba? Let us know your idea in the comment section below. Happy trails until we meet again!

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