This Black Cat Angel Is Pretty And Witty To Bring You Luck

Most of us have been taught that a black cat means a bad omen. The beginning of this superstition runs back to the Middle Ages of Europe. As per the folklore, a man and his son who came across a black cat had started tossing rocks at it. The injured cat had then run into a woman’s house who was suspected to be a witch. People who saw the witch limping and bruised the day after, thought that this woman was the injured cat. 

At that time, people had a lot of theories to suggest that black cats were a sign of death and misfortune. Therefore, people across Europe started mass killings of black cats as they wanted to get rid of these bad omens.

Yet, the people in some countries across the world have the same ideas. But, black cats are truly cute and sweet with their black fur. Their eyes beaming light at night are amazing!

Here, in this, we’re about to present a beautiful black cat with large shiny eyes and pitch-black fur.

MeonJi, is a black Scottish fold cat which has grabbed the hearts of a lot of followers on Instagram. Just think of a little cat with more followers than you! But totally worth it!

Scroll down to see some adorable pictures of this mysterious cat and make sure to vote for your favorites of MeonJi. And also make sure to share the article with others for them to get to know this lucky black cat. Happy trails until we meet again!

Further info: Instagram |


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat


black lucky cat

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