you believe that you can create magic just only using a graphite pencil? Here
comes Miles Johnston from Sweden who creates such unbelievable and dreamy
graphite pencil art. Miles started practicing drawing when he was 13 years of
age and by now he portrays subjects whose figures are in states of flux,
whether through multiplied faces, limbs contorted into impossible positions or
fragmented bodies.
says that he mainly works using graphite and oils using the human form as a
vehicle to attempt to process the intensity and profound strangeness of the
collective human experience. The transformations and distortions that his
subjects undergo are used to represent the crucial experiences in human life.
His main focus is on depicting the surreal and abstract qualities of the
subjectivity instead of focusing on literal representations of the world. He
always deals with a quite deep emotional resonance.
down to enjoy his amazing work and to witness the depth of his art. And also
follow on his Website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to enjoy more of his work.
Happy trails until we meet again!




















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