The Photographer Yulia Taits Released The Project "Porcelain Beauty" That Shows The Beauty Of Albino People

Yulia Taits who is a Russian designer and a photographer released her photo album, "Porcelain Beauty" that shows the forever unique beauty of the Albino people in 2017.

Yulia, who had a long-term objective to create an album using photos of albino people featuring in outstanding ways, appreciates the hidden beauty behind this genetic condition. As per Yulia, the beauty of albino people is so pure. She says that she sees the people with Albinism as if they are from fantasies and fairy tales.

"As I'm a Photoshop artist, it's my passion to create fantasy worlds through my artistry. This was an interesting work of mine as it gave me the chance to create beautiful photography without Photoshop. What I wanted to highlight in this collection was the pure beauty."

Yulia hasn't used extra coloring or additional colors to take the photographs except the white tones. Yet, her album proves that white is not just one color but a blend of many tints, shades and attractive tones.

Yulia says, "Apart from the joy that I got through my work, I also met a lot of people during this particular photo project. I feel blessed to have met them in my life. And also the support of the models and parents too had a huge effect on it. The project would have never become a success without their great support, passion and encouragement to it. This is one of the most special projects that have made me feel very proud about myself.”

Why not scroll down to enjoy the beauty of Albinism? Follow Yulia's Instagram for more amazing work and do check out her Website for more projects. Happy trails until we meet again!


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