The Best 20 Super Funny Animal Images That Show How Panorama Shots Fail

This article presents 20 incredible and funny examples to show how animal panorama shots fail. According to what I feel, almost all of you are familiar with the panorama which is a kind of photo technology that lets you shoot a series of images with overlapping scenes in order to create a broad scene in a horizontal swath.

Following is a list of animal panoramas that failed just because the animals can't hold the same pose for a few seconds. The results are so hilarious and astounding. Keep scrolling down to enjoy the collection. In the meantime, get yourself ready for some big laughs too.

#1 Is It A Kind Of New Species?

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: emeliegidlund

#2 Kangaroo-Dog Hybrid In Flight.

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: garthr

#3 And Then.. SOMEONE Decided To Move During The Beautiful Panorama.

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: loke_and_nala

#4 I'll Never Drink Again!

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: panoramafail

#5 Panorama Dog Version One.

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: PuppermintJerry

#6 Panorama Dog Version Two.

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: jamesythe3rd

#7 My Dogs Became Just Like Sonic The Hedgehog For The Sake Of The Panorama Shot.

super funny funny animal pictures with captions

Image source: my_life_on_this_planet

#8 Oh My God!

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: rompotodo

#9 This Is My Friend's Panorama Dog.

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: lollime13

#10 For Me, This Dog Looks Like A Caterpillar.

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: natmiller

#11 Mum Can't Handle Laughing!

hilarious animal pictures

Image source:

#12 A Three Tailed Monster Doggy.

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: panoramafail

#13 Is There Anyone Who Needs A Headless Dog?

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: panoramafail

#14 A Panorama Shot Of My New Backyard And The Doggy.

hilarious animal pictures

Image source: Fantasma3

#15 A Perfect Failure!

hilarious animal pics

Image source: xochikoko

#16 Six Legged Cat Girl.

hilarious animal pics

Image source: Unknown

#17 This Is How A Panorama Shot Of A Horse Looks Like.

hilarious animal pics

Image source: emmavreyes

#18 Ears Doubled!

hilarious animal pics

Image source: peyton_the_samoyed

#19 This Is Milo, The 11-Headed Dog.

hilarious animal pics

Image source: seajayvee

#20 This Giraffe Started Walking While I Was Taking The Panorama Shot.

hilarious animal pics

Image source: Jacksonteague

Did you enjoy this silly animal photo collection? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Happy trails until we meet again!

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