pictures of the history can be seen in ancient books, newspapers and also you
can see most of the pictures that you want even via browsing the internet.
However, most of the famous pictures of history that we see frequently,
presents the significant events that took place and therefore, we do not regularly
get a chance to see ordinary happenings of old days. But here we present a
collection of historical photos that show you a few previews of pictures from
history that you would not often see or hear.
scroll down to see the pictures and do not forget to share your favored
The Very First Photograph Of A Human Being, 1833.

source: Wikipedia Commons
photo shows a daguerreotype image of the Boulevard du Temple in Paris
made by Louis
Daguerre from his window in the spring of 1838. There could
have been a more people in the photo, but we can only see a shoe cleaner
and his client.
An Indian Tattoo On The Face Of A White Woman, 1863.

source: Wikipedia Commons
picture shows Olive
Oatman’s parents who were killed in 1859 when she was only
14 years old. This girl was kidnapped by Indians and then she was sold
into the slavery of the Mohave. After spending 5 years in the
tribe, the young woman managed to return to American society. The
tattoos on her body shows that perhaps the Mohave treated Olive not
as a slave but as an equal hence they made her tattoos which
are looks alike to the tattoos that they wore themselves.
The First Known Photograph Of An Offensive Gesture, 1886.

source: Wikipedia Commons
seems that the photographer has done something erroneous to baseball
player Charles
Radbourn. He has shown the middle finger at the camera and hence that,
it can be recorded as the first offensive gesture captured
in a photo.
Students After A Snowball Fight, 1893.

is how the Princeton students looked like after a apparently innocent
snowball fight. It is really possible to mistakenly consider them as soldiers
who have just returned from a frontline or as the victims of violent
A Sculptor Helps A Veteran Disguise The Significances Of Injuries, 1917.

source: EAST NEWS

source: EAST NEWS
surgeries were still at their early stage at the beginning of the 20th
century, but it was replaced with an alternative: masks replacing missing
parts of the face. Anna Coleman Ladd was
one such expert in the field and even though it couldn’t make the face
as it was before. This method was a blessing for many people who had vanished
hopes about their look.
The Tallest Person In The History Of Medical Observations, 1930s.

source: EAST NEWS
Robert Pershing Wadlow who
has been nicknamed as the “Alton Giant” still remains as the tallest man
in the world’s history: he was 272 cm (8′ 11”) tall and weighed
199 kg (439 lb). Awkwardly, he died at the age
of 22 in 1940.
A German Worker Declines To Raise His Hand In The NAZI Salute, 1936.

source: Wikipedia Commons
man in the picture is August Landmesser and
he showed his disagreement with the policy of the Third Reich because he couldn’t
marry the Jewish woman, Irma Eckler due to this. Irma was later sent
to a concentration camp and she was killed there, and August entered
a penal battalion and vanished.
Beer In The Fuel Tank Of A Fighter Plane, 1944.

source: AP/FOTOLINK/East News
not think beer was a fuel any time! Though beer is not a fuel, this is how it
was carried to British
soldiers fighting in Normandy during World War II. Before the barrels were
attached to the fighters instead of munition they started
to pour beer into fuel tanks.
The Future Queen Elizabeth II, Serving In The Army, 1945.

source: East News
future Queen of England served in the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial
Service as a mechanic and ambulance driver during World War II.
This photo shows her holding a clock in her hands which was a gift
from her co-workers.
American Soldiers Returning Home, 1945.

source: EAST NEWS
dreadnought Queen Elizabeth safely delivered American soldiers to New
York, after the military action in Western Europe was finished.
Sophia Lauren And Jayne Mansfield, 1957.

source: Pierre Tourigny
had organized a party for me. All of the cinema was there. And then in comes
Jayne Mansfield, the last one to come. She knew everyone was watching. Where
are my eyes? I’m staring at her nipples because I am afraid they are about
to come onto my plate.” this is how the Sophia
Loren described this situation.
The Woman With The Thinnest Waist In The World, 1959.

source: alexandrskarlinski
is a photo of Ethel
Granger who entered into Guinness records as the woman with the
thinnest waist. She decided to change enormously to satisfy her
husband, William. Therefore, she had to wear corsets, has to stay without
taking them off at night, as well as high heels and exaggerated
piercings, for which Ethel’s husband himself pierced her nose with
a silver needle. Over time, the woman’s waist reduced from an ordinary
62 cm (24.4″) to 33 cm (13″).
The Beatles Crossing The Abbey Road In The Opposite Direction, 1969.

source: Kees1953
many of us have seen the photo of the famous “Abbey Road” cover? Most of
us have. There are other pictures of the band made in the exact
place. By the way, the white Volkswagen Beetle, which unintentionally got
into the frame was sold at auction
in 1986 for £2,530.
One Of “Uncle Sam’s Prototype”, 1970.

source: War History Online
Sam, strictly watching from campaign posters, is a collective image
and this photo shows one of is prototype Walter
A Family Photo On The Surface Of The Moon, 1972.

source: Wikipedia Commons
astronaut Charles
Duke who took part in the Apollo 16 mission as a Lunar
Module Pilot has left this photo in the surface of the moon. The picture shows
Charles, his wife, Dorothy, and their sons Charles Jr. and Thomas
on the surface of the Moon.
Iranian Pop Singers Before The 1979 Islamic Revolution.

source: Wikipedia Commons
Islamic revolution which
took place in 1979 has made changes in the lifestyles of many Iranian people. Previously,
many Iranians looked like Europeans or Americans: they wore stylish
clothes, women didn’t hide their hair, and they didn’t even hesitate to be
on a beach in a bikini.
Kurt Cobain Plays An Imagined Guitar, 1993.

source: lennykravitz
Kravitz who posted this photo on his Instagram, said that it was made
on September 2, 1993, during the MTV Music Awards ceremony. Lenny was
playing his hit “Are You Gonna Go My Way” and Kurt “accompanied” him
on an imaginary guitar standing behind the scenes.
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