Artist Chris Judge Creates Funny And Creative Doodles Of Clouds To Gift Everybody A Smile

Smiling for someone is sweet! But making someone smile is the best. Artist Chris Judge from Dublin, Ireland makes everyone smile with his funny doodles of clouds. He is popular for transforming beautiful pictures of clouds into funny whimsical characters. A Daily Cloud is one of his ongoing projects planned by him with the help of Cliona O'Flaherty, his wife. 

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Here are 25 creative doodle images from Chris Judge. Make sure to scroll until you reach the end.





Talking about the project, Chris has initiated cloud drawings since the first lockdown season due to the outbreak of Covid'19 during Summer 2020. Chris's only job those days had been to spend time turning his garden into a little sanctuary with the support of his family. They too were enjoying and focusing on all the marvels of nature for the first time in years at that time. While enjoying the beauty Chris's 8 years old little daughter was busy capturing hundreds of lovely fresh bloomed flowers, birds and bugs in her garden. That was when Chris spotted a pretty pink set of clouds he started dealing with clouds. Chris, who noticed a monkey looking cloud and a bear looking cloud among the pink clouds, drew them with very simple pencil lines and posted them on Instagram and Twitter. The positive reactions towards his cloud art made a revolution in his life, making Chris continue his drawings everyday!






















Let us know what you think of Chris's pretty doodles in the comment section below. Happy trails until we meet again!

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