Artist Kristian Mensa's Whimsical & Avant-Garde Drawings Incorporating Everyday Materials

Enthusiastic artists have inspiration all around them. So that every object can be converted into an artwork by those creative hands. Today's piece of writing is on the Czech Republic Artist Kristian Mensa who gives rise to innovative and fun filled drawings that incorporate everyday objects.

Kristian is famous for seeing the potential of the very common items to act as mediums of art. It's indeed incredible to see him using a pen to draw bold lines and subtle brushstrokes, reimagining everyday items into whimsical 2D and 3D illustrations.

Kristián, also known as “Mr. Kriss” Mensa is an illustrator and a dancer with Ghanaian heritage. He speaks to the world with his imagination & creativity. Mr. Kriss was able to reserve the 4th place at the Prestigious Red Bull Dance Your Style Competition which was held in October 2019 in Paris. Thereafter, he gracefully mastered the art of dance and gained admiration for his remarkable flexibility, elegant movements, and also captivating lightness.

Here's a chance for you to check his work by yourself. Keep scrolling until the end & don't miss to vote for your favourites. His works are also open to purchase through his website.

Further info: Website | Buy Prints | Instagram | Facebook

#1 Here's A Way To Use The Extra Button On Your Jacket.

#2 Eye-s Hockey.

#3 Hello Hooman, Would You Like To Join The Journey?!

#4 Perhaps, A Break-Up?

#5 Yes, Indeed. A-Door-Able Moment.

#6 A Playful (C)able.

#7 Certainly! They Are PIN-Guins.

#8 Not Trees, Cut Vegetables, Please!

#9 Finally, A White Bread Utility!

#10 Long Sleeved Shirts? Nope! It's A Long-S-Leaf.

#11 A Happie #Turtle.

#12 Hey Dude, I'm The Ketchup Champ!

#13 Boo-oo-ty!

#14 Have A Peaceful Night My Friends.

#15 The Spray Cyclist Is On The Way.

#16 Mushrooms Full Of Love!

#17 Introducing The One And Only 'Watermelon-Ely Bug.'

#18 Guys, This Is The Newest 'Orange-Utan.'

#19 An Interesting B-owl Of Fruits.

#20 Hey Boxers, Here's A New One For The List. The Vitamin C Punch!

Did you enjoy the collection? If so, make sure to write how you felt in the comment section. Happy trails until we meet again!

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