Photographer Joseph Ford Embarks Artistic Fusion Of Clothes With Surroundings Through His Photographs

Joseph Ford, a fine art photographer recently released artistic camouflaged captures, which contained a series of photographs in which the model's clothes and other materials blended perfectly with the background.

The series was named “Camouflage Sweaters” and it perfectly combined the surroundings with the clothes that were knitted by the talented Nina Dodd.

Joseph says: "Over the course of five years, I had myself to create an amazing collection of images featuring custom-made knitted clothes, by our skilled knitter, Nina Dodd. The project began with Nina sharing one of her sweaters designed based on the seat covers of Brighton buses. It made me recognize the opportunity to seize the moment. The first step was to find an eye-catching model and then we captured him on the bus and it exceeded our expectations. It was a motivation for myself that I continued working on the camouflage series for it to evolve and grow."

The photos in this gallery would definitely be eye candy for you. Therefore, don't miss a single one & also make sure to check out more of his work on Instagram. Happy trails until we meet again!

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