Artist Edits Celebrity Pics According To Today’s Influencer Beauty Standards

Beauty standards have evolved over time, and today's influencer-driven ideals are prominently displayed on social media platforms. It's obvious that beauty standards from the past had distinct differences compared to today's standards. However, with continuous changes, modern-day beauty standards have become clearly visible and widely practiced. The influence of social media allows every individual to experience real-time popular trends.

The creator of the 'Goddess Women' Instagram page perfectly highlights modern-day beauty standards using celebrity photos. The creator's edits are not your everyday regular edits! Just explaining this won't give you a chance to fully understand. Therefore, we present to you a collection of some of their amazing celebrity edits. Make sure to check until the end.

#1 Nicole Kidman And Tom Cruise

Image source: Goddess Women

#2 Kate Winslet

Image source: Goddess Women

#3 Jennifer Aniston

Image source: Goddess Women

While many of these beauty standards are quite unrealistic, influencers have managed to make them seem like the new normal.

#4 Dakota Johnson And Jamie Dornan

Image source: Goddess Women

#5 Miranda Kerr

Image source: Goddess Women

#6 Emma Watson

Image source: Goddess Women

#7 Angelina Jolie

Image source: Goddess Women

Influencers use various techniques such as different poses, cosmetics, lighting, editing, and even cosmetic surgeries to build their personas. From our perspective, pushing these unusual standards onto the general public is unwise and unacceptable, as many people feel insecure about their looks. This collection will definitely help you understand that even celebrities have achieved their success without conforming to these odd beauty standards.

#8 Dakota Johnson

Image source: Goddess Women

#9 Jennifer Aniston

Image source: Goddess Women

#10 Adele

Image source: Goddess Women

#11 Cameron Diaz

Image source: Goddess Women

#12 Irina Shayk

Image source: Goddess Women

#13 Jessica Alba

Image source: Goddess Women

#14 Megan Fox

Image source: Goddess Women

#15 Keira Knightley

Image source: Goddess Women

We hope you realize that none of us needs to follow trends in order to look beautiful. It's up to you to decide how you want to present yourself to the world!

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